The Art of Professional Networking Social media has driven networking to a whole new level over the past 5-10 years. Facebook, Twitter and now Google+ are turning networking on its head. Sometimes it seems like a full-time job keeping up with it all. Add to the mix professional networking sites such as LinkedIn and it […]
UK Unemployment on the Rise
UK Unemployment on the Rise The news on unemployment is less than inspiring these days. In September, the BBC reported that UK unemployment “rose by 80,000 in the three months to July this year to 2.51 million, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS)”. This is the largest increase we’ve seen in almost two […]
Get Your Job Hunting Down to 5 Minutes a Day
Most candidates are spending hours and hours on “job boards” like Monster, Jobsite and Reed, sending off application after application and searching for so many jobs that they can’t even keep them all straight. But what if there were an easier way? Luckily, there is. It is all about the research. If you know what […]
Managing Finances in the Wake of Job Loss
One of the most difficult things about losing your job is the financial pressure it brings. Most people do not have enough savings to maintain their current lifestyle under the circumstances of a job loss. This is where planning ahead can really be beneficial. Unfortunately, job loss can strike without warning. As outlined in my […]
Redundancy – Know Your Rights!
Redundancy is painful – there’s no way around that fact. However, if you know your rights, you can manage your time and resources more effectively and make your job hunting efforts work for you. Employees under notice of redundancy have the right to: What does this really mean? First, it gives you a certain amount […]
Job Hunting – Where Should I Begin?
Everyone in the UK is keenly aware of the redundancy problem. Whilst unemployment fell in May, the number of applications for Job Seeker’s Allowance is up. And really, with government plans to streamline and cut jobs over the next few years, redundancy is not a problem that will go away anytime soon. The best place […]
I Received a Job Offer, But It’s the Wrong Salary
You’ve been job hunting for months – dozens of CVs, numerous interviews, and finally, you’ve received the long-awaited job offer! Unfortunately, it’s £7,000 less than what you need to just survive and pay the bills. The dilemma is agonising: It pays more than nothing, but you still can’t meet your daily needs. What do you […]
10 Job Boards and I Still Can’t Find a Job – What Am I Doing Wrong?
If you’ve plastered the job boards with your CV and spend hours each day on your job hunting efforts without gaining a single interview, your error most likely lies in your CV and cover letter, or the process by which you submit them. Job boards seem easy enough to navigate, but you would be […]
Help! I’ve Been Made Redundant!
Redundancy. It has hit every industry, every job class and every nation. For those in the UK, redundancy is a long-term problem that does not seem will end soon. While there is strength in numbers, this is one area where more is not merrier – they are competing with you for very limited job resources. […]
Knowing Your Worth
Part of your ability to succeed in obtaining a job is knowing your worth. If you overvalue yourself against the market, you are unlikely to get a job offer – there are plenty of similarly qualified candidates willing to take less. However, undervaluing your worth will leave you unsatisfied and may even raise questions with […]