

Nameless Job Applications & CV’s

Will it ever stop? The need to put rules in place to tackle discrimination. Why have we not learned that to date these rules are not stopping discrimination. We need to educate. This will not avoid or even reduce discrimination it is just procrastinating the same decision. It has been suggested with some application studies […]

October 29, 2015 Post Comment News

Career Change, Is now the time?

Making a Career Change, Is now the time? Making a Career Change later in Life can be difficult but not impossible. It is all about considering all of the different factors and what you are actually trying to do. So think about it, lets be practical about this, what you are actually saying is, I […]


Charlie Ryan interviewed by GMTV News

Today, Charlie Ryan was interviewed by GMTV News regarding the introduction of nameless CV’s. The BBC and the Civil Service to name just two, believe this will help to reduce discrimination. To find out Charlie’s views on this matter, please click on the link below. She has also posted a blog on this issue. Click […]

October 26, 2015 Post Comment News

3P’s of Job Hunting – Positive, Persistence & Don’t Procrastinate

3P’s of Job hunting Be Positive, Be Persistent & Don’t Procrastinate. Job hunting can be a demotivating time for some of us, so it is important to ensure we find the energy to stay in that positive mindset. Part of this positivity will come from accepting the fact that there will be some rejection throughout […]

Should I take a placement offered, or should I keep trying to find a permanent job?

Should I take a placement offered, or should I keep trying to find a permanent job? Well I know this can feel like a difficult decision, but this is likely to be the only time in your life when your financial responsibilities are such that you can take advantage of this opportunity. I know the […]


I’ve been out of work for a while and I am worried I won’t get another job!

I’ve been out of work for a while and I am worried I won’t get another job! How long is a reasonable time or what is considered to be acceptable to be out of work? And more importantly is it out of choice or not and does that make a difference? This is an issue […]


Should I take a placement offered, or should I keep trying to find a permanent job?

Should I take a placement offered, or should I keep trying to find a permanent job? Well I know this can feel like a difficult decision, but this is likely to be the only time in your life when your financial responsibilities are such that you can take advantage of this opportunity. I know the […]

September 30, 2015 News Tags: , , , , ,

A billboard, is that really the way to go?

A billboard, is that really the way to go? Well as you know we are all about ensuring you differentiate yourself, but bless Adam! So there is desire and there is desperation and the latter is being demonstrated here, which is such a shame, as I understand what Adam really was hoping to achieve, something […]

September 22, 2015 Post Comment General Tips

The Apprentice Interviews……Bullyboy Tactics or Challenge with Respect…..

I always watch with some trepidation the “interview” episode in the series. I do feel it can be the opportunity to really understand how some of these candidates got picked in the first place! And I am sure you will agree this is often a question in our head! Surely there was something in the […]

Unemployment has gone down! But what difference does that really make to you?

Unemployment has gone down! But what difference does that really make to you? We all heard on the news yesterday that unemployment has gone down by 4000 between April and June this year, but what difference does that make to me, or you? Overall unemployment has a high figure in the millions, roughly £2.4 million, […]

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